Entering and Exiting the Cemetery
the entrance of every cemetery there is a guardian, sometimes
synonymous with the Guardian of all cemeteries or even Death itself,
depending on who you ask. Regardless of how you see this guardian, there
should be a proper acknowledgement and/or payment upon entering its
guarded territory in order to successfully carry out anywork you wish to
do there. Otherwise, you are simply a visitor or guest, and it would be
considered rude or insulting to start conducting business in a host’s
home without proper permission. Just like it would be considered theft
to take or collect anything from the cemetery without paying for it.
Also, it’s considered a bit sketchy to sneak into a cemetery from an
opening other than the main entrance or another entrance, almost like
coming into someone’s home through an open window, rather than the door.
Proper respect should always be given to the cemetery and those who
guard it, as there are consequences that await those who do otherwise
even if those consequences are not immediately experienced; Death has a
way of sneaking up on you.
approaching the gate or entrance, have three coins in your hand and
mentally make a connection with the guardian, sending a very brief
introduction of yourself (this can be as quick as a thought). State that
you wish to do business or you have come to collect grave dirt or
whatever you need to do, but you don’t need to go into detail. Then,
knock three times on the gate, the gatepost, or, if nothing else is
available, the ground. At this point, you enter the cemetery either
face-forward or backward. If you are there to do something innocuous,
such as collecting grave dirt or herbs growing within, then walk in
facing forward; however, if you are there for more sinister reasons,
walk in backward. (This is to protect your identity from those spirits
who stand just inside the cemetery and keep track of who enters and
leaves the cemetery, and if you are there for sinister work you want as
little record of your actions as possible.) Which ever way you enter,
drop the three coins as you cross the threshold. You have now
acknowledged, honored, and paid all those concerned with the
guardianship of the cemetery and are now free to carry out whatever
business you have come for.
leave the cemetery, just walk out the same way you walked in, either
forward or backward. Some say you have to pay on your way out, also, but
I’ve not found that completely necessary. You may say a mental word of
thanks to the guardian, if you feel lead to do so. Older cemeteries tend
to have older guardians who don’t really care, but if you intend on
regular visits to the same cemetery, you may want to establish a
relationship with that particular guardian. However you leave, just make
sure to keep walking forward and don’t look back.
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