Oshun's Love Salts

"These salts are sensational! They are visually beautiful, smell delicious, and feel wonderful! Indulge your senses and feel alive!
Oshun is the Orisha of love, who is always seen in a yellow dress with a hibiscus flower behind her ear.
These salts promote love, marriage, fertility, laughter, fun, abundance, and protection from false love. Gold, wealth, beauty, creativity, dancing, and love are Oshun's domain and she is happy to grant all of these to you for some attention and honor. She is all about life's pleasures-indulge a little bit; when was the last time you did something for yourself?!
Once you work with oshun, don't forget about her. If you ignore her, she'll assume you are content with your life. Leave her an offering of honey as well, but TASTE IT FIRST! Oshun was poisoned using her favourite food, honey, and she will not trust you if you do not taste it first.
Nothing makes Oshun happier than granting her children mates and lovers but be patient and never take love for granted, it is a special gift and should be appreciated.
Oshun can see things we can not and if the relationship is not right, she won't have you in it. So listen to her-she's your mother!
This luxurious salt is created from the finest Himalayan pink salt, rose petals, damiana (an aphrodisiac;), tiny sea shells, hibiscus flowers, anise seed, rose absolute, and epsom salts. The hibiscus flowers will colour your bath a lovely shade of pink-another way to indulge your senses!"

"Conjured Cardea offers authentic, hand made, hand harvested, spiritual supplies for Voodou, Hoodoo, Santeria, Folk Magic, Spiritualist, Wicca, and all forms of The Craft. I live by the principle that we all overlap and inspire one another with our beliefs and practices. Religions have done this for tens of thousands of years. As Pagans we strive to learn and develop as humans and practitioners and, as Pagans, we believe that developing spiritually means following our hearts- not a doctrine, not a guru. Whether that means we choose a conglomerate of practices or choose to become an initiate of one specific path, we are all equal. You will not be judged for dabbling in something new and exciting here! We are here to support each other on our chosen paths and celebrate the diversity that teaches us and inspires us to grow.
Here, you will experience a full-service botanica full of hand crafted, hand harvested items-the way spiritual items should be! Why buy mass produced, over priced items from catalogues? Demand the best for your practice! Take a look around, my listings offer tons of tips, tricks, tidbits, and spells!
My supplies are created from the highest quality, organic, ethically harvested ingredients, following authentic, tried and true family recipes. I offer custom spell kits, paquets, oils, and prayer luminaries. I love custom work, so just convo me if you need something special! Want some details? Check out my profile, feedback, and policies."
More on Oshun

"Oshun, or Ochun in the Yoruba religion, is an Undergoddess who reigns over love, intimacy, beauty, wealth and diplomacy. She is worshipped also in Brazilian Candomblé Ketu, with the name spelled Oxum.
Ọṣhun is beneficent, generous and very kind. She does, however, have a horrific temper, one which she seldom ever loses but which causes untold destruction whenever she does. Oshun is said to have gone to a drum festival one day and to have fallen in love with the king-dancer Shango, Undergod of lightning & thunder. Since that day, Shango has been married to Oba, Oya, and Oshun, though Oshun is said to be considered his principal wife." Wiki
To enter to win, go here domesticwitch.blogspot.com/2011/01/oshun
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