Amulet for Opening & Balancing the Third Eye
Author Unknown
(Brow) Chakra
4 inch by 4 inch Indigo colored cloth (this is the best) OR 3 inch by 5 inch Indigo drawstring pouch.
A small piece of Lapis Lazuli (Lapis Lazuli is best) OR Blue Sodalite.
A small piece of Moonstone.
White yarn, twine or string.
Place the stones in your power hand.
Sit comfortably and do whatever meditation exercise you do that helps you ground and center.
Once centered visualize a beam of indigo colored energy radiating from your spiritual core and flowing from your center, down your arm to the palm of your hand and into the lapis lazuli or blue sodalite.
Once you feel the energy is into the stone, visualize a beam of white energy radiating from your spiritual core and flowing from your center, down you arm to the palm of your hand and into the moonstone.
Now focus on the energized stones in your palm and visualize the two color energies mixing and swirling together until they have become a pale shade of indigo.
Keeping this visualization of the colors swirling and mixing and moving, place them in the center of the cloth.
Visualize the colors flowing over and through the cloth, completely surrounding it.
Now gather the corners of the cloth to the center, making a small pouch. Bind the tops with the white yarn or string, leaving enough ends so that you can wear the amulet as a necklace if you so choose.
Place the amulet in your power hand and chant three times (or until you feel it is empowered):
"My third eye is opened and balanced.
I accept the gift of awareness.
I am able to see past illusion."
Place the amulet around your neck or in your pocket.
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