Add the essential oil recipes to 2 oz of any base oil, or as recommended:
Hazelnut, sweet almond orgrapeseed. Olive oiland Sesame oil are heavier, although they are also used at times. Visualize as you blend and smell, this will put your personal spiritual intent into the mix. Do not use synthetics if you want results. I recommend pure essential oils.
Altar Oil 4 ml Frankincense 2 ml Myrrh 1 ml Cedar Anoint the altar with this oil at regular intervals, calling your Deity (Deities) to watch over it. Mix with 4 oz base oil. Recipe is for a year of 13 Full moon phases, keep the blessing oil in tightly capped dark glass bottle.
Anointing Oil 5 ml Sandalwood 3 ml Cedarwood 1 ml Orange 1 ml Lemon Use for most ritual anointing purposes, mix with 4 oz oil. Recipe is for 12 or more uses.
Astral Travel Oil 5 drops Sandalwood oil 1 drop Ylang-Ylang oil1 drop Cinnamon oil Add ingredients to 2 oz almond oil and mix. Anoint the stomach, wrists, back of the neck and forehead. Lie down and visualize yourself astrally projecting.
Beltane Oil 4 drops Lily Of The Valley Oil 2 drops Violet Oil 2 drops Honeysuckle Oil Pinch of Lemon Balm herb Mix with 2 oz olive oil and tightly bottle. Annoint your altar and candles.
Citrus Purification Oil 3 drops Orange 2 drops Lemongrass 2 drops Lemon 1 drop Lime Mix with 2 oz of grapeseed oil. Anoint white candles and burn in the home to purify and clear ares of negative forces. Energy Oil 4 ml Orange oil 2 ml Lime oil 1 ml Cardamom Wear when feeling depleted, when ill, or just to strengthen your own enery reserves. Especially useful after heavy magickal ritual to recharge your bodily batteries. Blend into 2 oz hazelnut oil, and keep in glass vials.
Healing Oil 4 drops Rosemary 2 drops Juniper 1 drop Sandalwood Blend with 1 oz each Oilve oil and Hazelnut oil. Wear to speed healing.
Initiation Oil 3 drops Frankincense 3 drops Myrrh 1 drop Sandalwood Use for mystic initiation ceremonies and to increase awareness of the spiritual realm.
Litha (Midsummer) Oil 1 part Hazelnut Oil 1 part Elder Oil 1 part Lavendar Oil 1 part Rosemary Oil Mix in bottle. Annoint on altar and candles.
Lughnassadh (Lammas) Oil 1 part Sunflower Oil 1 part Hazelnut Oil 1 part Heliotrope Oil 1 part Fir Oil 1 part Basil Oil 1 part Rose Oil Mix in bottle. Annoint on altar and candles.
Mabon Sabbat Oil 1 part Hazelnut Oil 1 part Almond Oil 1 part Crushed Walnut Shell Tsp of Marigold Leaves Add small Yellow Agate or golden crystal. Annoint your altar and candles.
Ostara Oil 1 part Almond Oil 1 part Violet Oil 1 part Elder Oil 1 part Patchouli Oil 1 part Lavendar Oil Blend oils in a glass bottle. Annoint your altar and candles.
Protection Oil 4 ml Basil oil 3 ml Rose Geranium oil 2 ml Pine oil1 ml Vetivert oil or 1/2 tsp herb Blend with 4 oz Sesame oil. Wear for protection against all kinds of attacks. Also anoint windows, doors and other parts of the house to guard from bad influence.
Purification Oil 4 drops Frankincense 3 drops Myrrh 1 drop Sandalwood Add to the bath or blend with 2 oz almond oil to wear and rid yourself of all negativity.
Psychic Visions Oil 4 drops Lemongrass 2 drops Bay 1 drop Nutmeg Mix in 1 oz Hazelnut oil. Anoint the forehead to produce psychic awareness and dreams.
Sabbat Oil 3 drops Frankincense 2 drops Myrrh 2 drops Sandalwood 1 drop Orange 1 drop Lemon Add to an olive-oil base and wear to Wiccan Sabbats
Sacred Oil 3 drops Frankincense 2 drops Sandalwood 1 drop Cinnamon Blend in 1 oz almond oil. Anoint your body prior to religious rituals to stimulate spirituality. Also, anoint others during mystical group rites.
Samhain Oil (Sow-in) 4 drops Pine Oil 2 drops Frankincense oil 2 drops Patchouli oil 2 drops Lavendar oil Blend with 1 oz oilve oil in bottle. Annoint on altar and candles.
Yule Sabbat Oil 1 part Pine Oil 1 part Fir Oil 5 part Almond Oil 1 cinnamon stick 1 drop Musk Oil 4 Cloves Mix 1 oz almond oil in bottle. Annoint on altar and candles.
Chakra Oils:
7th Crown: Myrrh, Lotus, Frankincense, Camphor
6th Head: Carnation, Lavender, Rosemary
5th Heart: Cedarwood, Mimosa, Rosemary, Clove
4th Throat: violet, Vanilla, Yland Yland, Eucalyptus
3rd Belly: Frankincense, Honeysuckle, Galangal, Lemon Verbena
2nd Spine: Orange, Oakmoss, Sandalwood.
1st Base: Civit, Muguet, Ambergris, Cinnamon, Musk
Chakra Balancing Oil: Lemon, Orange, Lavender, Myrrh, Clove
Magical Blended Oil Uses:
Astral Travel: Frankincense, Myrrh, Cypress, Jasmine
Attraction: Musk, Cassia, Sandalwood, Myrrh
Blessing Oil: Myrrh, Cedarwood, Amber
Divination: Musk, Ambergris, Vetivert, Violet, Lilac
Fast Luck: Patchouli, Carnation, Mimosa
Gambler’s: Lily of the Valley, Rose, Sandalwood, Mimosa, Cinnamon
Love: Gardenia, Jasmine, Muguet, Sandalwood, Musk
Money Drawing: Patchouli, Pine, Bay
Needed Changes: Sandalwood, Mimosa, Hyacinth, Cinnamon
Prosperity: Patchouli, Gardenia, Cinnamon
Protection: Frankincense, Sandalwood, Amber
Psychic Power: Cedarwood, Myrrh, Violet, Musk, Ambergris
Success: Heliotrope, Patchouli, Lavender
Uncrossing: Rose, Carnation, Bay, Clove
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