Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Four Cornerstones of Magick

In addition to the principles of Similarity and Contagion, most practitioners adhere to the four cornerstones of magick. These four principles are expressed in the ability to know, to will, to dare, and to keep silent.
1. To Know
This refers to knowledge about magick and what makes it work. The practitioner must know and understand the basic working principles of a magickal operation before he or she attempts it. There is a saying in magick that knowledge is power, so if the practitioner wants power, then he or she must first have knowledge.
2. To Will
This is the ability to concentrate, focus attention, and direct the will to manifest desire. Practitioners must be able to force their will upon the universe, in a positive and powerful way, to accomplish their desires. In magick, practitioners must be able to control their surroundings, which include the mind and body.
3. To Dare
This is the courage to challenge ideas. Magicians must be able to stand up for what they believe in and be able to demand their rights. They must dare to have the courage to make their will manifest desire, without fear or doubt. The magician must be able to command respect from his or her peers, as well as from the forces with which they work. They must dare to be strong.
4. To Keep Silent
This is by far the hardest of the four rules. The practitioner must shut out, and off, all outside distractions and learn to concentrate and focus. Silence also has a partner, the mouth. The well-trained magician knows how to keep it shut and not crow about every little thing she does. This is because every time she speaks of the magickal works she is doing, she dissipates her energy and power. This is why you don’t hear Witches and magicians bragging about what they did or are doing.

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